A Work in Progress: Happy Man...Sad Man

This guide was made for entry:
Happy Man...Sad Man
In Contest:
sad or happy

step 1 of 3

This is the original image.

Creation of Happy Man...Sad Man: Step 1

step 2 of 3

The Liquify tool was used to change the expression by turning down the corners of the mouth and eyes and raising the eyebrows at the inside ends. I used a paint brush to make the tear and shadowed it with the Burn tool to give it some realism.

TIP: Most people want to use the Liquify tool in to big of a hurry! To make your manipulations look REAL, you have to use a small brush tip and small movements...otherwise you will get distortions that tell the viewer what has happened to the image.

Creation of Happy Man...Sad Man: Step 2

step 3 of 3

I then made a new canvas (CS2), filled it with black paint, and positioned both images on the canvas. It was then flattened and VOILA! Happy Man...Sad Man.

Creation of Happy Man...Sad Man: Step 3

Final result

Creation of Happy Man...Sad Man: Final Result

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avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

I agree with you about the small movements if you liquify an image. The lowest chance that you ruin the texture of the image. But with "small brush tip" you mean the size of the brush? That depends, imo. Sometimes a big(ger) brush can be handy to move a part without ruining that part. For example, if you want to lower the corners of a mouth, you can use a bigger brush and still keep the smoothness and shape of the lips as how they used to be (with a small brush it càn happen that you make a wrong movement so that the object gets weird small shapes...try to recover thàt)

(5 years and 3819 days ago)