1) First I cut out the tractor from its background. I used pen tool, and it took me quite some time!
step 2 of 9
2) I used pen tool to make a road path, and I filled the path with the asphalt pattern. I selected the road, contracted the selection, and used stroke to make the white stripes.
step 3 of 9
3) Then I added the clouds, a couple of gradients, and the tractor.
step 4 of 9
Warping the road, blended it into the clouds.
step 5 of 9
5) Adding contrast and shadow to tractor.
step 6 of 9
6) Adding more stuff: seagull, pithcfork, tree, scarecrow, sign, barn, hay bales.
step 7 of 9
7) More gradients to add mood.
step 8 of 9
8) Adding stars to the sky (I filled the sky with black, added noise, gaussian blur, and changed layer mode to screen).
step 9 of 9
9) In the end I added a texture and refined details (shadows mostly).