A Work in Progress: Night Drivin'

This guide was made for entry:
Night Drivin'
In Contest:
day to night

step 1 of 4

Lowered brightness by 100%, twice. (!)

Creation of Night Drivin': Step 1

step 2 of 4

Use soft-edge yellow-white brush to create headlight glow.

Creation of Night Drivin': Step 2

step 3 of 4

Used smaller soft-edge brush on a new layer and placed circle in middle of each headlight glow, then used motion blur @ 300px to create the diagonal 'lens flare' effect. Used soft eraser to make the flare less uniform.

Creation of Night Drivin': Step 3

step 4 of 4

On a new layer, using the same brush but much larger (~400px), painted in front of cars to give illusion of the road being illuminated. Set layer blend mode to 'Overlay'.

Creation of Night Drivin': Step 4

Final result

Creation of Night Drivin': Final Result

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