I first placed the source image and used the burn too to mak the exterior of the building and the surounding building look a little old and weathered.
step 2 of 8
For this step I brought in the image of the leaves and changed the color to make the leaves look as though they were dead or on the verge of dying. I then used the clone stamp to select areas from the leave photo and paint the leaves onto the building.
step 3 of 8
For this step I just a small hard brush tool and drew what looked like cracks on some of the buildings windows. I then duplicated the layer and set it to hard light to give the cracks more contrast.
step 4 of 8
In step 4 I masked out the original sky of the source image.
step 5 of 8
For this step I brought in the sky I found on Morguefile.com and placed it behind the building.
step 6 of 8
I then color corected the building to make it look as though it fit with its new sky.
step 7 of 8
Here I added the debris image that I found on Morguefile.com and color corrected it to fit the image. I then used the clone tool to try to clean it up and bit. The I duplicated the layer and set it to hard light to give it more contrast.
step 8 of 8
For this step I added some shadow under the building to make it look as though the debris was coming out of the building. I also added some more cracks and a spider web to the building.