A Work in Progress: Remembrance

This guide was made for entry:
In Contest:
mom and dad

step 1 of 14

Started out with a rough outline on gray (808080) background, because I will be using several gray layers set to overlay for dodging and burning. Chose a color for the skin tone and used the pen tool to cut out for the face. Also added a rough cut out of the bust, I'll deal with the color and details later for this part.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 1

step 2 of 14

I used three burn overlays for the face, here is the first. My reasoning for using several overlays is that you can skip around when using the burn tool. This way if you make a mistake you can always paint back over the burn with the paint brush using the same gray color (808080) and try again. (Example: You have an outline of the ears on one layer, then choose another layer for the shading and it doesn't look like you want it to, then you can just paint back over the shading and try again without disturbing your outline which is on another layer.) Also started working on the eyes.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 2

step 3 of 14

Second burn overlay.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 3

step 4 of 14

Third burn overay, also added some shape and color for clothing.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 4

step 5 of 14

I used two dodge overlays, this is the first.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 5

step 6 of 14

Here is the second, I know it doesn't look much different, but believe me it is.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 6

step 7 of 14

Now we have the combination of all five burn and dodge layers with the skin color layer turned on, looks a little washed out, but we'll fix that in the next couple of steps.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 7

step 8 of 14

Here I made a copy of all layers of burn and dodge with the face color and used a gradient map using black and white as my colors.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 8

step 9 of 14

I moved the gradient map copy to the top of all layers and set it to multiply and turned back on my clothing layer with a little more detail added. Much better

Creation of Remembrance: Step 9

step 10 of 14

The hair is done the same way with multiple layers. Using a small one or two pixel brush just drew in the hair. btw, I used a wireless mouse (not a drawing pen) and believe me it wasn't a simple job! The inset is showing how I had to change color under the hair area, otherwise it would have been too much of a rusty brown. Also after finishing the drawing of the hair, I did some more dodging and burning with a larger brush but it's hard to show here, I just played with it until I thought it was OK.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 10

step 11 of 14

OK, all parts done and turned on, but it sure looks a little washed out, the next layer will take care of that. Oh, I almost forgot. The background is just rendered clouds with a radial blur.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 11

step 12 of 14

I boosted the contrast to around 30, seems to have done the trick, although I'm not liking the skin color.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 12

step 13 of 14

Using the color balance I reduced the yellow a little, hope I made the right decision, because I struggle with skintone.

Creation of Remembrance: Step 13

step 14 of 14

OK, now to the subject of this painting. This is my Daddy, Lonnie Alexander Wright. He was born April 1909 and died January 1992. He was sort of an old mountain man and never liked having his picture taken and certainly would not have set for a portrait. Of the very few picture we ever had of him, he was always walking away or had his head down, so using his last licence photo was the only reference I had, and of course knowing and loving him was a pretty good reference too!

Creation of Remembrance: Step 14

Final result

Creation of Remembrance: Final Result

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this is something i am trying to teach myself currently.

thanks for your great SBS. the dodge and burn is my downfall at the moment... your ideas are just what i need to guide me.

I would love if you have the time to drop me a note about the grey layers... WHY grey...sorry if this seems a dumb question.

(5 years and 3772 days ago)