First I created two elliptical forms on two different layers - one above and the other under the layer where the wood was. Then with the warp modes I worked on the wood to give it the shape of a cylinder. Named the layer 'wood'.
step 2 of 15
With the form wood selected I applied the spherize filtre - 100% horizontal only.
step 3 of 15
I selected a portion of the bottom of the wood and created a layer via copy. I used that copy to creat the inner side. Named the layer 'inside'.
step 4 of 15
step 5 of 15
I applied inner bevel to give it some depth.
step 6 of 15
I created a clipping mask layer above the wood and work on the shadows and some colour. Named it 'tin shadow'.
step 7 of 15
Then I created a clipping mask layer for the 'inside' and worked on the shadows. Named it 'shadow inside'.
step 8 of 15
I used one of the elliptical forms I had created before to create the shadow at the bottom, using motion blur.
step 9 of 15
I created a new layer and using spanish moos brushes I applied moss on the wood. Tints of green and brush sizes slight differents.
step 10 of 15
I applied some drop shadow on the moss.
step 11 of 15
Now the second set of brushes - the grasslands. On a new layer and using different shapes and tints of green I made the grass.
step 12 of 15
On another new layer I completed the grass.
step 13 of 15
I added a mask to 'wood' to make slight corrections.
step 14 of 15
I created a new layer just above the 'bg' [the picture background] and placed the picture 'trees in the forest', rasterized it, adjusted it to the right size, decreased its luminosity and applied gaussian blur.
step 15 of 15
On a new layer at the top I merged all layers and duplicated it. I equalized the duplicated layer, applied gaussian blur, overlay blending and 20% opacity.