A Work in Progress: It's only skin My Dear!!

This guide was made for entry:
It's only skin My Dear!!
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 6

1. Duplicate grandpa original layer, then place skull layer before grandpa layer copy, make it (skull layer) desaturate. Back to granpa layer copy, masking it.

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 1
sources used for this step:

step 2 of 6

2. Give grandpa layer inner shadow FX (blend mode: multiply (color #c06114); opacity 86%; angle 0%; distance 8px; Choke 3%; size 13px; Contour: Linear ) and drop shadow FX (blend mode: multiply (color: #000000) ; opacity 71%; Angle 0% (use global light); distance 3px, spread 4px; size 24px. Duplicate grandpa with FX layer.

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 2

step 3 of 6

3. Back to original grandpa layer, press ctrl hold mask layer at grandpa layer copy, press ctrl + J so that grandpa face will be duplicate. Place it at top layer and with clone stamp tool, clean grandpa face.

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 3

step 4 of 6

4. Place the face to right picture, rotate it with free transform tool. Apply Inner Shadow FX (blend mode: Multiply (color #d27424); Opacity 89%; Angle 0%; Distance 0px; Choke 2%; Size 2px; Contour: Linear). Blur the face with gaussian blur.

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 4

step 5 of 6

5. Make new layer to make reflection at glasses, take pen tool and draw square, color it with round brush (opacity between 30% - 60%).

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 5

step 6 of 6

6. For finishing, Liquify wowen lips a little

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Step 6

Final result

Creation of It's only skin My Dear!!: Final Result

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avatar kayaklovergirl

i like how you changed the shape of the womans lips I didn't notice that before

(5 years and 3777 days ago)