Adjusted perspective using the distort transform tool.
step 3 of 8
started to remove the excess from the image and isolate the native american.
step 4 of 8
Once fully isolated, i used dodge, burn, and sponge tools to enhance the features some more.
step 5 of 8
Added an orange to yellow gradient over the top of a blck background, then reduced the opacity to allow some of the black through.
step 6 of 8
using a natural brush, i added some clouds and atmospheric occlusions. Opacity on brushes set to about 6-10%
step 7 of 8
The grass is the image of the indian turned on its side then dragged through with the smudge tool.
step 8 of 8
Added the totem pole, which was removed from its background with the background eraser tool, then I added some gaussian blur to push it into the background.