Following a tutorial ( ), a glass ball was created and all layers were put into a folder. A selection was made and the selected area in the source was spherized.
step 2 of 11
step 3 of 11
The glass ball folder was duplicated and the copy size was decreased. Repeating the process in step 1, a selected area in the source was spherized.
step 4 of 11
One more copy of the glass ball folder was made. Same process to spherize.
step 5 of 11
Making selection of the three glass ball, one at a time, three layers were created via cut, one for each spherized area. Then three adjustment layers were created as to apply levels to the areas that were cut. It was made using masks on the adjustment layers.
step 6 of 11
Using a large soft brush, the highlights were applied.
step 7 of 11
A new copy of the source was made. An adjustment layer for photo filtre was create. Two more layers were created to apply the colours and blendings.
step 8 of 11
A new layer was created and a stroke with a large soft brush made the sun.
step 9 of 11
One more layer was created, filled with white and using noise and emboss filtre a texture was created to apply to the source image underneath. Hard light blending was applied.
step 10 of 11
On a new layer at the top, all layers were merged and equalized.
step 11 of 11
This layer was duplicated and equalized again. High Pass filtre and soft light blending were applied.