Starting with the leaf go to Image -> Adjustments -> Replace Color
Selection Localized Clusters chose the dropper with the + and start selecting as much as the green as you can till the black and white iamge of the leaf is white with a little bit of black showing.
Then Change the color to dbc294
step 2 of 6
Clipped the peacock and pasted it.
step 3 of 6
Clipped an eye from a tail feather and duplicated it and resized it random across project. Merged all the eyes together Then applied a vector mask and added a gausian blur to the edges of them to make them blend with the leaf.
step 4 of 6
I then duplicated the peacock body, distorted it and painted it black. The added a Gaussian blur to make the shadow illusion.
step 5 of 6
This is my picture of the peacock used before I clipped him out. Taken at Silver Springs, FL. Those suckers will come right up to you wanting goodies lol.
step 6 of 6
Where I got the Tail Feather Eye from, Took a pic of this section of the tail and use it as a desktop wallpaper sometimes.