The model was extracted using the pen tool and resized into the background image.
step 2 of 6
I hand painted some hair using a dark brown, a light brown and a value of brown somewhere between the two, i think duplicated it two times and moved it around to add a bit of randomness.
step 3 of 6
Leaves were extracted from the source image then duplicated, rotated and resized. I also used the hue/saturation adjustment to change the colour of some of them. Blur was also applied to them to add a bit of depth.
step 4 of 6
Light was added by selecting the brightest area of the image and selecting the colour, then filling in an eliptical selection with it. I also applied some blur and changed the layer style to 'Screen'. I then duplicated it and resized it, and then reduced the opacity. For the light streaks i used the line tool with a weight of 16 pixels, which was then blurred, duplicated, transformed and the layer style was set to screen.
step 5 of 6
For the inner highlights i simply added an 'Inner Glow' effect, with a high spread and a choke of about 2
step 6 of 6
This is the permission to use the background stock image.