On a new layer paint red over the eyes and change blend mode to colour
step 3 of 7
Create a new layer at the top of the stack and fill with blue. Change blending mode to colour. (you will also need to mask out the eyes on this layer to bring the redness back through)
step 4 of 7
Use the move tool to repositon the face into top left corner.
Then free transform to rotate the face. Copy this layer and free transform and flip vertically and position the new copy of the face in the top right
step 5 of 7
Remove the sky from the gate source. (this was achieved used a layer mask from the blue channel)
Run>Layers>Adjustment>black & White.. I removed the blue and cyan tone and added a hue tint of yellow with low saturation to achieve the slightly washed out effect of the gate.
step 6 of 7
On a new layer just above the gate layer i used a soft edge brush and painted black and lowered the opacity of this layer to the gate posts to reduce their sharpness.
step 7 of 7
Final step was to add the text. The effect was created using a black font and adding a outer glow and bevel & emboss layer style.