In Blender I selected a cylinder (spacebar>Add>Mesh>Cylinder)."S" to change size to make the plate and cake layers.
step 2 of 6
Selected the plate. Made adjustments in Ray Mirror and Ray Transparency.
step 3 of 6
Added two more layers to the cake.
Used Blender's Material settings to change the color of the cake to pink.
My layers are a little off because It's homemade cake. Homemade cakes are always lopsided! Well, mine are anyway.
step 4 of 6
Made one of those glass covers for the cake out of another cylinder. Originally I used blue. But I don't like the way it came out. Changed it to white later.
Used Ray Mirror and Ray Transparency.
I also put a hemi light beneath it to light it from within.
step 5 of 6
Added a Spot Light directly above the cake and another. Made a bowl with a cylinder. Made icecream scoops out of UVSpheres and colored them. Added Ray Mirror and Ray Transparent to the bowl.
Added a Plane (Spacebar>Add>Mesh>Plane). Used Node Editor to make a checkerboard pattern. Colored it black and a very very light pink. Added a little bit of Ray Mirror.
step 6 of 6
Changed the color of the spotlight to light blue. Added a little bevel to the checkerboard. Moved the stuff around on the surface. Made adjustments to the camera angle.
In Shading mode, select World Buttons. Select Blend and Paper. Chose a dark Blue and a Dark Purple.
Select Stars. Size: 3.9 and Max on Color Noise. Looks like confetti or sprinkles!