Creek image is inserted on top of autumn trees layer so that upper portion can be erased as well as any other parts that aren't needed.
step 7 of 13
Stream edges are being blended into grassy areas by adding some rocks up into the grass with the clone tool.
step 8 of 13
More rocks are added here along edges, and some color is sprayed with brush tool to warm some of the larger rocks to better fit into total color scheme.
step 9 of 13
Buck is masked out with lasso, then eraser tools by using zoom tool to go in really close on antlers. He is lying down, but I wanted to have him standing guard in the nearby shrubs, so he will need blending into the bushes and face had to be lightened with dodge tool.
step 10 of 13
3 more deer have been cut with lasso tool and moved into scene.
step 11 of 13
Deer have all been placed, having been scaled with edit/transform/scale tool to give them better perspective. Lights and darks have been adjusted according to light source. Small deer looking up had a greenish cast, so had to be painted with brush tools. Feet of deer were cut off with eraser tools to look like they were standing behind rocks, etc.
step 12 of 13
I wanted to put in some colorful maple leaves that probably would have blown to the site from trees in the area. Here they are masked ready to scale down, rotate, and maybe distort before being placed in scene.
step 13 of 13
Leaves have been placed and shadows created under them with dodge tool, Some are in the water where they would probably go. The primary souce tree had an area at top which was quite light and distracted from the whole scene, so I cloned leaves into those areas.