typed alphabets in "Monotype Corsiva" fonts and made it as brush...
painted it as bckgrnd with diff grad values
step 2 of 4
Trebuchet MS,Blackoak Std,Stencil Std fonts used to create (g,t,l,b),i,o respectively...used brushes to give grey gradient and 3d effects...
Cooper Std to write fish and used txt effects
step 3 of 4
Using Trebuchet MS font wrote the diff parts of fish and wrapped it to fit into to shape of fish body.. then merged it down and applied a grad to get 3d effect....
step 4 of 4
used custom shapes to get water drops, fish and water marks... manipulated it a bit, filling with black and applied blending options... kept the filling opacity '0' and transformed the txt underneath the water, and displaced it...