Here edit/transform/scale tool was used to enlarge subject, then edit/transform/perspective tool was used to widen image at bottom and make it look taller on step.
step 3 of 9
Feet are changed here to have image stand on step. The smudge tool and eraser tool were used to do this. Burn tool used on bottom of feet finallly 'attaches' feet to step.
step 4 of 9
Another image is added now, and also an arm has been brought in from original source photo (use lasso tool to cut it out).
step 5 of 9
Image of marionette is duplicated to be used elsewhere.
step 6 of 9
New arm is moved and attached to marionette using smudge and eraser tools. Colors will also be changed with color/balance tools.
step 7 of 9
3 marionettes are scaled, and put into position. Liquify tool is used to moved some of the arms and legs into a different position, then finished with brush and eraser tools. Rope is drawn across for top marionette to stand on with the brush tool, and is attached to marionette on the right by drawing it through his hands.
step 8 of 9
Pink fairy is lassoed from original source and added here. After carefully masking out her background, she is sized with scale tool and placed with layering (move backward) so that she looks like she is holding onto the rope. Her thumb is drawn in with flesh color and brush tool. Her color also is brought up using color balance/brightness tools. A lens flare has also been added just above the pink fairy to add some lighting interest to entire image.
step 9 of 9
Color of background photo has been changed slightly to brighten it and match the color pallette better. Faces have also been touched up as well.