Write PXLEYES in desired text and then duplicate until there is enough text to clip a circle onto it.
step 2 of 8
Delete all the excess text. CTRL click on the thumbnail of the circle, inverse and reselect the text layer and delete.
step 3 of 8
Add some features and just clip them to the image.
step 4 of 8
Duplicate and resize to make the 2 littler ones. Simply write out PXLEYES in a smaller text than you used before and rotate and duplicate to make a long branch.
step 5 of 8
To create the moon follow the same steps for the owl but once you've made one circle, duplicate it and make it a tiny bit bigger to give it that glow effect.
step 6 of 8
Add stars and create a smaller size text clip the star to it and go through the same deletion process
step 7 of 8
Once again create a shape and go through the same deleting process. This should leave you with a hill in the background as shown here
step 8 of 8
Create text and cover the background the change fill to 0% and add out glow and reduce the opacity