Chop up and repeat the image
and store as brushes for fun
step 2 of 12
mirror split plate
repeat bevel shade
make the sky and shore
step 3 of 12
color play with
the plate
create propeller with
distort from the handle of the
step 4 of 12
using the plate to make the plane with fork handle parts
step 5 of 12
gradient the wings for another color plane
step 6 of 12
Use the plate to make an olive shape and add just a touch of bevel ... (add a gradient that radials with a white interior)
step 7 of 12
assemble an olive car then use hue to change and repeat different colors
step 8 of 12
build a windshield and cut out a sitting area... gradient and hue change colors (the wheels are filled with forks)
step 9 of 12
use plate to make flower collar and head
step 10 of 12
Make the parts of the figure
using the pieces of the plate
you can see all the different
step 11 of 12
Using liquefy and distort to create the character and using bevel emboss to create the eyes
step 12 of 12
using the cars and the gradients and different colors create the background using the plate as a base and colorizing and repeating images to create a happy image