A new canvas is sized to 10 x 45 and three source tree photos are inserted after making their sizes and resolutions the same.
step 7 of 18
Here the two bottom source trees are blended with cloning tool
step 8 of 18
Color adjustments have been made to bottom photos using Light/contrast and color balance tools.
step 9 of 18
Top hole is changed using the liquify tool.
step 10 of 18
Here all three photos are blended with cloning tool.
step 11 of 18
Tree is now one image by using 'visible layer' merge.
step 12 of 18
Owl source image is moved into scene and sized down.
step 13 of 18
Faces have been duplicated (use alt key) and inserted into holes. Here top owl is being blended with cloning and eraser tools.
step 14 of 18
Work is done on bottome 3 faces, sizing with edit/transform/size tools
step 15 of 18
More color changes are made here with light/contrast and color balance tools.
step 16 of 18
Canvas size has been increased (by another 10) and another tree hole with ivy added. This ivy will be duplicated to be used further down tree in smaller segments.
step 17 of 18
More work is done on the ivy working with eraser tool at low setting to blend edges, and also cloning tool for blending.
step 18 of 18
Finally, burn tool is used to set some faces back further and to cast shadows from ivy and owls. Some adjustment are made on ivy to create pleasing pattern.