at first we open our source image and then duplicate the layer.
step 2 of 10
after that we use the smudge tool and smudge the flame in both layers in a rounded shape
step 3 of 10
step 4 of 10
after we have smudged the flame in to a rounded shape ,
we creat a new layer with black backgroung
step 5 of 10
after that we erase the useless flame from both layers.
and change the blending option of the duplicated layer to colour dodge
step 6 of 10
active the duplicated layer, and go to filter and choose blur> gaussian blur
adjusted in the way you like
step 7 of 10
after finishing with bluring
create a new layer
choose the brush tool and choose light blue colour
draw a small dot
and use smudge tool and shap it like a star.
after that change the lending option of the layer to leaner dodge (add)
and then open filter>blur>lens blur
step 8 of 10
merge all layers with merge visible
step 9 of 10
after merging , open render> lens flare.
and adjusted as desired