A Work in Progress: 100 online dollars

This guide was made for entry:
100 online dollars
In Contest:
pxl notes

step 1 of 3

create rectangle. fill
create square, fill with white
position each square on top left and bottom right corners.

duplicate squares and fill with light blue . just off set from white squares.

use PENTOOL to draw line around base rectangle. BRUSH STROKE> 5 hard brush white.

create second line slightly in from the first.
BRUSH STROKE> 5 hard. light blue.

Create OVAL in center , fill WHITE. contract 10 fill light blue contract 10 , fill white.

new layer. use PENTOOL to create Thatch pattern (O's & X"s) BRUSH STROKE 10, hard brush.

Creation of 100 online dollars : Step 1

step 2 of 3

cut out oval shape on the left corner. fill with purple add edge glow.

type pxleyes and duplicate to fill .



3D shapes:
use pentool .. create triangle. fill with gradient.
create 2 triangle fill with gradient. dark bottom to light top.

create 2 circles. use pentool to create a rectangle that joins circles. postion top circle above rectangle layer.
fill with orange. use dodge and burn to light and shade.

PENTOOL to create long oval shape.
fill with gradient.
use smodge tool .. drag and push to create feather strands. long drag for bottom feather stem.
EDIT>TRANSFORM>WARP to bend and create natural feather look.


Create rectangle . fill with light grey.
select rectangle , create new layer , fill with gradient. silver, white, silver. WARP gradient in a s formation... layer blend mode OVERLAY.

Create 2nd rectangle to the left of camera. fill with dark grey. select second rectangle and create a new layer . fill with gradient and lower fill to 45 %

create oval and fill with light grey , contract fill with med grey contract fill with dark grey. dodge burn for shadow .. or apply gradient. either works.

flash and veiw windows.
create small rectangles fill one with dark grey fill the other with gradient and lower fill to 70.

Using PENTOOL select center square of thatch square and fill with dark blue.

Creation of 100 online dollars : Step 2

step 3 of 3

create a white square contract 10 and fill with white contract 10 and fill with light blue. Add text ,, no avatar.


to create eyes. create 2 black circles add plastic artistic blend.
create two larger white circles rotate to match square.


create dark blue blob..FILTER >BLUR >TWIRL.
duplicate and flip , postion over blue square.

duplicate both swirls and postion over other blue square.

type 100 postion over swirls.

type 100 onlines and postion in thatch square

type virual world bank of pxleyes.

Creation of 100 online dollars : Step 3

Final result

Creation of 100 online dollars : Final Result

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