To create the background, the first mountain was extracted and added into the image
step 3 of 14
The water was enlarged
step 4 of 14
In the previous step, the water only went halfway, because in this step i duplicated, flipped and erased the sea so that the highlights would be between the two mountains.
step 5 of 14
The sky was added.. i created a bacjkground gradient going from a darker orange to a lighter orange, i then imported the skya nd set the mode to "Soft Light". Its opacity was reduce to 75% This was then duplicated and using levels i applied some harsh contrast, this was set to "Hard Light" and the opacity was reduced to 23%
step 6 of 14
In the previous step, colours were also matched and the reflection of the water was changed.
The statues were added in this step.
step 7 of 14
The sources were blended together to create the effect of statues in the stone, and using part of the mountain to the right i applied it to the mountains
step 8 of 14
The mode was set to "difference", but later on I realise that this, from close up looks very unconvincing, so this is later changed to "overlay"
step 9 of 14
Cracks were added to the statues, blend mode "overlay" and opacity about 80%
step 10 of 14
the bridge was added
step 11 of 14
Cracks were duplicated a bunch of times over the bridge
step 12 of 14
blend mode changed to "Soft light" and light was added
step 13 of 14
More light and adjustments. A lot of work went into adjustment layers and layer masks to achieve the right mood.