The background is part of the material on the table
step 2 of 12
Layer duplicated and twirled, blend mode changed to Colour Dodge
step 3 of 12
One of the heads was selected and the ears, mouth and eyes were removed, this was duplicated and transofrmed with a lower opacity and the blend mode set to "Lighten"
step 4 of 12
This is the head used in the background as well as the foreground
step 5 of 12
the head was enlarged and some part on the top were removed
step 6 of 12
The process of hollowing out a head is quite simple, i used the Eliptical Marquee tool to make an oval selection across to the top of the head and copied it onto another layer. Then using gradient overlays and inner glows (set to a skin colour)
step 7 of 12
The next few steps were done by selecting the white head at the front's forehead and warping, liquifying and transforming it.