A Work in Progress: Risky bet

This guide was made for entry:
Risky bet
In Contest:
snake eyes

step 1 of 5

1. I made a simple square box, subdivided it and used the "Rounder" tool to get the corners smooth. I then cut out the places where the markings would to be fitted.

2. I made the markings by beveling the a circle in two ways to the shapes shown. To attach the markings I had to make triangular polys.

3. This was the one sided result. The layes was duplicated and flipped inwards (making it double sided) for the later upcoming texturing.

Creation of Risky bet: Step 1

step 2 of 5

The bullet was simply made by lathing the shape to the left. All the backside details were beveled into shape.

Creation of Risky bet: Step 2

step 3 of 5

The texturing then...

The ingoing glass has a slight bump map to make it less regular. It refracts 1.52. I also applied a fast fresnel plug in to make the transparency different depending on the viewing angle. The outgoing glass is just a transparent layer with 1.0 refraction.

The bullets has some simple procedurals applied to diffuse, specularity, reflection and bump.

The table carpet is also just some simple random color, diffuse and bump procedurals.

Creation of Risky bet: Step 3

step 4 of 5

The scene was set up with an area light (to the left) with some falloff (shown as a circle). I choose the area light instead of global illumination, to cut some rendering time because of the caustic effect cast by the glass. I've added a small amount of area lightning to it also, to give a slight overexposed feeling and add some variations.

The purple indicated light at the camera is a light camera to get give some faint global light. But it's only the area light that casts shadows and caustics.

Creation of Risky bet: Step 4

step 5 of 5

Here's my final versions I ended up choosing from. I suppose no one but me reads the SBS, but anyway, I wanted to make them available.

The first one was my original. I felt it was too sterile, so I added the bullets. The third one was a experiment with color filter. I really like the coloring effect, but because of the dark color, it consumed the caustic effect. So I decided to post the middle one.

Creation of Risky bet: Step 5

Final result

Creation of Risky bet: Final Result

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avatar Ory
Ory says:

Hey, just to let ya know some of us do read the SBS's I really like the render with the red dice, would like to see a larger version...

(5 years and 3745 days ago)