I downloaded an image of a couple and cut them out by using the pen tool. After that, I hit Ctrl+T and chose Perspective and tweaked it a bit sideways.
step 2 of 5
I made a new layer above the couple and named it "Silhouette" and filled it with black. Then I right-clicked that layer and chose the Create Clipping Mask option to create a silhouette of the couple.
step 3 of 5
I created another layer below the couple and created a gradient with the yellow, orange, and blue shade. I used the gradient on the layer and set the opacity and fill to 80%. I also changed the Blending Mode to Linear Burn.
step 4 of 5
I copied the Stones Layer and placed it between the Couple Layer and the Gradient Layer.
Then I went to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects to add a spotlight with the following settings. .and set the blend mode to Hard Light.
step 5 of 5
I added a layer mask on the Couple Layer and using quick mask mode and gradient, I selected the upper left corner of the couple and hid it using layer mask in order to create a fading effect for the shadow.