Using pen tool and mask I cut out the piece I wanted to work on.
step 2 of 13
I created the shape with pen tool and cut a piece of wood to use as pattern to fill the shape.
step 3 of 13
I put all the pieces of wood into a folder named "pattern", made selection of the patth and masked the folder.
step 4 of 13
I then made a copy of the masked folder, converted it to smart object and rasterized it as to work with a single layer. I then worked on the shadows and highlights and brightness/contrast.
step 5 of 13
I made more three copies and changed their shapes using warp tool.
step 6 of 13
Working on one copy at a time I followed the same process for shadows, highlights and brightness/contrast.
step 7 of 13
I placed the snake in a new layer at the top.
step 8 of 13
Using pen tool and mask I cut out the snake and using pieces of its skin I created its tail and got rid of a piece of leaf stalk on its body.
step 9 of 13
Then I worked on the snake shadows and highlights.
step 10 of 13
I placed the texture in a new layer at the bottom, duplicated it and applied multiply blending.
step 11 of 13
Then I placed the old map in a new layer and applied perspective to it, duplicated it and applied linear burn to the copy with 60% opacity.
step 12 of 13
I worked on final shadows then.
step 13 of 13
I merged all layers at the top, made a copy, equalized it, applied gaussian blur and overlay blending with 20% opacity.