I began with two shelves of books in background, but it dwarfed the popup book, so I cut it down to just one layer of books.
step 15 of 29
Here a pile of books was added over background, on which the bible will be laid. Pile of books was scaled (edit/transform/scale) to fit canbas width.
step 16 of 29
Canvas was slightly enlarged to give more space below pop-up area. (Click on edit/canvas and then click top square which comes up to enlarge the bottom of the canvas.)
step 17 of 29
Open bible is chopped from photo and set over the pile of books just inserted. The edit/transform/scale tool is used to fit it into the space.
step 18 of 29
White house has been lassoed, then moved onto bible. Woman and girl are also lassoed and moved in. They will be chopped with eraser tools, then scaled to size needed to fit.
step 19 of 29
Now the antique car is lassoed and moved in. It will then be chopped with eraser tools and scaled to fit.
step 20 of 29
Tree is lassoed and moved in. For now, it will be scaled, trimmed, and placed where it looks good. It will be duplicated and enlarged and placed on a layer behind the house later. Also, later, layers of tree will be added to give it a 3d look.
step 21 of 29
Here the tree is chopped further, and the barn is added to a layer behind the house. It is flipped horizontally and roof line changed using the edit/transform/distort tool.
step 22 of 29
The house needs to look like it has a fold where it hits center of book. I did this by duplicating the house, cutting away the right side, then adding a little shadow along the fold with the burn tool.
step 23 of 29
Using color/balance, and brightness/contrast tools, color is put into lady and little girl. Colors will be adjusted later in the same way to go with surroundings.
step 24 of 29
Here more people have been added, the old man behind the car, the young family (scaled to fit on porch), the bridal couple and the other couple under the tree. All will have color added later.
step 25 of 29
Kite flyers are added, a flag is drawn with a small brush tool, and the kite in the sky is created using the brush tool, adding a tail the same way.
step 26 of 29
People have been colored with color/balance and brightness/contrast tools. Clouds have been created for the sky to give the kite something to attach to. They are created with the airbrush and brush tools.
step 27 of 29
More folds must be added, so all 'visible layers' are merged, except for the books in the very back. That way,the clouds can be duplicated, erasing half of each fold area, then burning for a little shadow along the fold edge.
step 28 of 29
On a new canvas, the tree shape is distorted with edit/transform/distort tool until it gives a 'side view' to be used as folded layers in tree.
step 29 of 29
Distorted layer is moved into tree area on original canvas, then duplicated several times for each side of tree, eraser tool is used on left side of the folds for the right side, and the same tool is used on the right side of the folds for the left side. Burn tool helps to define inside of folds. Trunk is erased for this step and only original trunk is left.
(5 years and 1461 days ago)