I cut out the signs using mask and made a copy, applying the msk to the copy and separating the signs via copy.
step 2 of 16
I used one of the signs to create a row, making copies of it and placing them side by side. Then I put the layers into a folder named "SIGNS 1".
step 3 of 16
I made three copies of the folder "SIGNS 1" to create more three rows.
step 4 of 16
Then I used one of the white signs.
step 5 of 16
I put everything into a folder named "ALL SIGNS" and made a copy of this folder. I converted it to smart object, flipped it vertically and work on perspective.
step 6 of 16
Using four copies of a white sign, I created a cross and put the layers into a folder named "SIGNS 5".
step 7 of 16
Then I made five copies copies of the folder "SIGNS 5" and turned the copies 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 degress respectivelly. I put all those folders into a folder named "ALL SIGNS 5".
step 8 of 16
Then I created a white background and a blue gradient layer for the sky.
step 9 of 16
I created a new layer to paint a white circle to hide the inner lines of the "sun".
step 10 of 16
In two different layers I painted the white shine behind the "sun" and the yellow one in front of it.
step 11 of 16
Then I applied white gradient to the signs and overlay blending to it.
step 12 of 16
Then I placed the guitar man in a new layer and rasterized it.
step 13 of 16
I got rid og the background and made a copy of the image, applying the mask and reducing its size.
step 14 of 16
I created a new layer, Ctrl-clicked the small guitar man and filled the selection with black.
step 15 of 16
I created the guitar man's shadow.
step 16 of 16
At the top I created a colour fill adjustment layer, applying overlay blending.