I created a new document and copied the signs after having cut them out.
step 2 of 10
I used only one sign after having changed it.
step 3 of 10
I added a door to the cabin and put the two layer into a folder named "BEACH CABIN".
step 4 of 10
I made seven copies of the folder and changed the colours applying layer style - colour overlay - to each cabin. Then I put all the folders into a new folder named "CABINS" and made a copy of it, converting it to smart object.
step 5 of 10
I opned the smart object and applied layer style to the doors, changing their colour.
step 6 of 10
I created the sea using rectangular tool in a new layer, filling it with gradient and applying wave filtre to it. Duplicated it, stretched one of them and merged the two layers.
step 7 of 10
I created the sand using rectangular tool in a new layer and filling it with gradient.
step 8 of 10
In a new layer at the bottom I created the sky using render - clouds filtre, and applying radial blur to it as to give the clouds some movement.
step 9 of 10
I clipped a new layer to the sky and filled it with white gradient.
step 10 of 10
I made some brightness/contrast and hue/saturation adjustments, and in a new layer at the top, but under the cabins, I created a colour fill adjustment applying colour burn to it.