1-Copy the hand from rouce image then past it in a new file, resize to make it smaller
2- removed the background with pen tool
step 2 of 10
1-changed the color of the hand by
creating new layer, clipping mask, layer mode color and brush on the hand with the color,( going to change the color later)
2- removed some cracks with the clone tool then used smudeg tool on the hand..
step 3 of 10
1-rotate the hand , edit-> tranform->rotate
2- copy a new part from the soruce image with a bigger size to make the arm
3- brun tool to make the shades of the hand
step 4 of 10
1-with soft eraser removed the dark shadow under the hand
2- used the smudge tool to make the arm look softer
step 5 of 10
duplicate hand layer, then filter---> lquify
step 6 of 10
the background
in a new layer group
1-new layer named it backgorund fill with #754c24
2- made a new layer , then brushed with a big soft brush black color
3, filter blure --> gaussain blur
on the same way made the lighter colors
step 7 of 10
used the srouce 1 image for the ground
1- edit free tranform
2- mask layer
3- used the images 2,3,4 on top of the hand layer
4-merged all layer then changed the color of the background
used the burn tool to make the branches on the hand darker, then on a new layer draw more with the brush
step 9 of 10
1-on the top of the hand past the soruce image ,changed blending mode to overlay,clipping mask
2-Copy of the texture layer , image -> adjustment--> hue/sturation