Increased canvas size to the left. Control click on thumbnail in layers pallet to select. Edit>Copy and then Edit>Paste. Flip Horizontal.
step 2 of 9
Painted in black for the nostrils. Filter>Liquify>bloat to add shape to the nose.
step 3 of 9
Add brightness to the nose by adding adjustment layer and increasing brightness. Add layer mask and CTL+I to inverse the mask. Paint black in mask to isolate brightness. Filter>blur>Guassian blur. Reduce Opacity to 55%. Erase and clone as needed
step 4 of 9
My photo.
step 5 of 9
Add photo and erase everything but lips and parts of chin.
step 6 of 9
Clone wood to chin, begin cloning mustache.
step 7 of 9
Finish cloning mustache and beard. Finish the wood around the rest of the face.
step 8 of 9
Add more shadow and depth to mustache and beard by painting with black, blurring, and reducing opacity. Paint in eye detail
step 9 of 9
Using the clone tool, I reduced the amount of symmetry on each side of the face to increase realism. With a soft large brush, I added a vignette around the edges and reduced opacity to taste. I painted in the fire on the cigar tip and added smoke with a large,soft white brush.