with pen tool select one of the bones. then click right button and make a selection. give 1 por feather and press ok.
then ctrl+j to create a new layer with the bone selected. do the same with the source image. to create a new layer
step 3 of 6
pres ctrl+t over the candy layer and try to cover the bone.
then move the candy over the bone.
step 4 of 6
here is the part that will do the work. the layer of the candy must be above the bone layer.
go to layers and put the litlle hand betwen the two layers and then press alt and left click
that will create a clipping mask.
step 5 of 6
low the opacity to 40% and you will have this result.
this process will be repeated again and again with each one of the bones.
Wow, cool!
(5 years and 3716 days ago)