duplicated lamp, added Luce light filter, layered on overlay at lowered opacity.....
step 9 of 32
distorted cut piece of image, placed.
step 10 of 32
masked out this piece of letterbox....
step 11 of 32
resized and warped to create handle....
step 12 of 32
cut out a piece from the side of the letterbox, resized and added inner shadow for pole....
step 13 of 32
burned holes in for bird nests.....
step 14 of 32
duplicated for bottom
step 15 of 32
i masked out the nests from "Bird's Nest" by ~killcaiti-stock at deviantart.com, duplicated and placed in the holes, added inner shadows, and darkened levels slightly....(i'll upload all originals at end of sbs)
used the same birdie that's holding the suitcase, warped wings to fold over, and cloned eyes to shut.....placed in nest
step 31 of 32
couldn't find a hatrack stock, so i made one.....using rectangular and oval fills, liquified to shape top pieces....added bevel and emboss...duplicated hat on bird and hung on rack
step 32 of 32
"Bird's Nest" by ~killcaiti-stock at deviantart.com: http://killcaiti-stock.deviantart.com/art/Bird-s-Nest-87312426
"Travel 14" by *Anakmoon-Stockage at deviantart.com: http://anakmoon-stockage.deviantart.com/art/Travel-14-93608478
"top hat 6" by ~Lisajen-stock at deviantart.com: http://lisajen-stock.deviantart.com/art/top-hat-6-94450244
"white tie 7" by ~jealousy1314 at deviantart.com: http://jealousy1314.deviantart.com/art/white-tie-7-35385357
"bowtie" by hotblack at everystockphoto.com: http://everystockphoto.com/photo.php?imageId=130674
"Hanging Lamp" by ~empty-paper-stock at deviantart.com: http://empty-paper-stock.deviantart.com/art/Hanging-Lamp-63341285