A Work in Progress: Realm of the Mermaid

This guide was made for entry:
Realm of the Mermaid
In Contest:

Original image

step 1 of 39

Preliminary sketch in PS

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 1

step 2 of 39

Preliminary face sketch in PS

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 2

step 3 of 39

Cutting out pieces of sketch and fitting them to my sketch. Used: Rotate, transform etc

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 3

step 4 of 39

Used hue/saturation image adjust to get the color scheme I wanted.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 4

step 5 of 39

I painted in the base for the skin tones using a default spatter PS brush. Then I took my sketch layer and inverted the color under image/adjust to make it show up on my tone.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 5

step 6 of 39

used a gradient for the background (my opacity layer for the source layer was turned down here, just so I could see the background better)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 6

step 7 of 39

Painting in tones for face,

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 7

step 8 of 39

Used circle selections to make pupils/irises, and then painted inside them. A little more tone painting.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 8

step 9 of 39

Painting and blending (smudge) for face

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 9

step 10 of 39

painting in nose contours.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 10

step 11 of 39

Turned off mermaid layer group to focus on source. Turned source group back to 100% and added more source to create the right most peak on a layer behind. I used tranform tools to get The right shape as in the first source steps.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 11

step 12 of 39

I used a selection of the source and placed it on top of the gradient layer. I transformed it to make the flow/shape of the water.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 12

step 13 of 39

I blurred the source to death, tweaked it a bunch w/ liquify and smudge and changed the layer setting and opacity. Then I painted more on top of that.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 13

step 14 of 39

frankly, I am not sure what I did in this step, but I'm sure it was something. I'm uploading it only to keep my order, and not screw up which step I am on. SORRY!

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 14

step 15 of 39

Hair sketch, using default spatter brush, I use this brush a lot.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 15

step 16 of 39

More face painting.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 16

step 17 of 39

more painting for the face, painting in rough tones for the hair as well.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 17

step 18 of 39

More face/hair. In the last few steps I was always switching back and forth to the source layers, to tweak them (make the holes etc)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 18

step 19 of 39

I started to paint in shadows, and highlights, (also in the iris)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 19

step 20 of 39

More painting of tones, rough in of "makeup"

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 20

step 21 of 39

More painting, I also painted in some light rays, which I was going to tweak later, but I ended up taking out all together.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 21

step 22 of 39

I redid the bottom lip here. Also in many of the steps, I am going to source image, and burning/shading etc.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 22

step 23 of 39

Lip detailing

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 23

step 24 of 39

Some really rough painting in of tones and colors (that will be toned down later)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 24

step 25 of 39

highlighting, which will be tones down as well

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 25

step 26 of 39

adding in secondary color tones. Brought in source selection to make coral.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 26

step 27 of 39

More color tones and liquify on source to make coral. I a color layer over that for more colors after changing color of main source.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 27

step 28 of 39

doing the same thing for the smaller other colored corals (only small)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 28

step 29 of 39

I added more source in here around the right upper side of the opening, I was adding bits all along to fit how I wanted it to look. Here is a close up of painting on the inside of opening curve, to create a stone looking inner. some of this was done w/ brush, and some w/ smudge, going back and forth.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 29

step 30 of 39

painted with brush es to make beginning of bubbles, and water woosh.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 30

step 31 of 39

painted in some water plants and more details.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 31

step 32 of 39

painting to refine her face.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 32

step 33 of 39

roughly painting in more hair.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 33

step 34 of 39

eyelashes and other random painting/smudging etc

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 34

step 35 of 39

more of the same. (detailing)

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 35

step 36 of 39

adding color to the new hair part.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 36

step 37 of 39

more hair stuff, you may not be able to see it at the size of the sbs. My image is even bigger than the hi-res, but I shrank the final down, so it would be sure to fit on the screen.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 37

step 38 of 39

more painting, I painted a lot of bubbles and the duplicated some and copied and pasted to make a bit more.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 38

step 39 of 39

I took everything and condensed to one layer and then did final blending. and then painting on a layer on top of that to finish of hair. highlights etc.

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Step 39

Final result

Creation of Realm of the Mermaid: Final Result

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avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

the only thing missing is how you made that large piece of orangey coral...this is fabulous - the chop and the sbs!

(5 years and 3670 days ago)
author [banned] says:

Pearlie: sorry! The coral... I took the orange jewelry and then liquefied it beyond recognition . I then just kept messing with it, w/ smudge and I also put a color layer over it to get the different colors. It's SORT of shows it in steps 26-28, if that helps at all.

(5 years and 3670 days ago)