Horse and knight photo is chopped and sized with edit/transform/scale tool.
step 6 of 12
Tents are cut out of source with lasso tool and moved into work area
step 7 of 12
Tents are also lassoed, and moved into work area to be sized and chopped.
step 8 of 12
Tents have been chopped, and then airbrush was used to eliminate figures around tent which would have been out of proportion to our scene.
step 9 of 12
Here the castle has been lassoed and moved into work area.
step 10 of 12
Castle is scaled down using edit/transform/scale tool to fit into distant hills.
step 11 of 12
Boat has been added at bottom right, chopped, and scaled to position it. Wood going down to water was extended using clone tool, as was the shadow. 'Clash' of swords was highlighted by using Filter/light effects/spotlight set at 17 Negative, 25 Narrow, Ext 59 Over, Ambience Pos, and Pos 32 Later after layering of pinkish, orange tone, the 'clash' will be too dark, so I took a copy of the original bright 'clash', moved it over the toned one, and erased the 'knight' portion so that just the sword and clash would stand out.
step 12 of 12
Finally, a light airbrush of rosy pink is applied to sky area and a little to the water, then all layers are merged and a filterk of orangish brown added over all at 19% This can be adjusted to allow as much of rosy color to show through as you want.