I textured all the steel parts of my helicopter (except nuts and screws) with http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=7815&PHPSESSID=b54abfc8f41984dafa5b9cab2ac76ece
step 2 of 10
step 3 of 10
The wheel uses the same texture mentioned in part 1 but with colour adjustments.
step 4 of 10
The plastic clip uses this texture (cropped centre portion of image 1).
step 5 of 10
step 6 of 10
step 7 of 10
step 8 of 10
I decided that the window was easier to make flat first, then manually shift the mesh vertices to match a shelled quarter cylinder.
step 9 of 10
step 10 of 10
For the table I used this texture:
For the wall I used this texture: