Make two pieces from previous step, add layer style and bevel between the two pieces. Make several more, warp to final shape.
step 6 of 15
Take bottom assembly and reverse the pieces for top and resize entire top of craft.
step 7 of 15
Select small piece of corkscrew to make 'tie-rod' parts, distort and warp.
step 8 of 15
Assemble entire 'spike', drew thin vertical lines, layer style like glass, duplicated 3 more times.
step 9 of 15
Extract piece for central 'tower', warp and liquify.
step 10 of 15
Cut another piece from corkscrew top for side supports.
step 11 of 15
Extracted the cork to use for the planet's texture.
step 12 of 15
Drew a circle for the planet's shape, lowered the opacity, burned the edges after this.
step 13 of 15
Enlarged the cork to fit over circle, made clipping path to circle layer, burned the edges and lowered opacity.
At some point along here I made clouds with black and aqua, then difference clouds, adjusted the levels and enlarged that piece beyond the edges of the frame.
step 14 of 15
Adjusted the shape and hue of the bottom glow.
step 15 of 15
Added the nebula shot (flipped horizontal) and lowered the opacity so some of the original bkgd could be seen, then for a final touch added a lens flare.