A Work in Progress: The Draconian firestone Clock

This guide was made for entry:
The Draconian firestone Clock
In Contest:
clock designs

step 1 of 37

orginal dorky sketch w/ gradient for start oc clock face

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 1

step 2 of 37

changed canvas size, and more sketching. Another graidient to start the first dragon stone.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 2

step 3 of 37

start of ground... and here I'm messing around w/ fonts for the clock (only to totally change everything later)

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 3

step 4 of 37

blocking in background landscape, and gradient for sky

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 4

step 5 of 37


Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 5

step 6 of 37


Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 6

step 7 of 37

rotating the clock graident to match new light source

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 7

step 8 of 37

started to block in the shapes for the pillars and pedestal, I changed my mind about what I wanted the whole thing to look like at this phase (obviously)

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 8

step 9 of 37

painted the start of the right pillar

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 9

step 10 of 37

sketching waterfall and water

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 10

step 11 of 37

adding color, copied left fire stone and placed it for the right firestone

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 11

step 12 of 37

painted glow and smoke

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 12

step 13 of 37

started to shade the pedestal

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 13

step 14 of 37

vines on pedestal

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 14

step 15 of 37

messing with fonts, changed the color of the clock sphere. (only to change my mind again later)

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 15

step 16 of 37

shading the firestones, more painting in on the landscape

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 16

step 17 of 37

landscape painting

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 17

step 18 of 37

more painting, and I added a gradient to change the color of the sky.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 18

step 19 of 37

changed the color of the sphere AGAIN.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 19

step 20 of 37


Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 20

step 21 of 37

vines shading and shadows, more work on sphere.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 21

step 22 of 37

sketched for other vines, and more painting

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 22

step 23 of 37

I decided that the vines were too think, and looked like snakes, so I thinned them out

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 23

step 24 of 37

more water falls, and painting in of sky/clouds

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 24

step 25 of 37

more water falls painted

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 25

step 26 of 37

vine work

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 26

step 27 of 37

more waterfalls and stars painted

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 27

step 28 of 37

more painting and created the moon phase spheres. All started as the same ball gradients, and then I made a selection and moved it to shade for the cresents, and just a straight selections for the 1/2's

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 28

step 29 of 37

Brought them in smaller, and change blending mode, so they're more part of the clock

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 29

step 30 of 37

top, top jewel, and gold. -graidents, layer styles, then collapsing and painting on top of that.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 30

step 31 of 37

dragon wings... for the dragon clock.

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 31

step 32 of 37

underpart for dragon wings

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 32

step 33 of 37


Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 33

step 34 of 37

under of dragon wings more

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 34

step 35 of 37

adding in secondary colors for reflections of sky etc...

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 35

step 36 of 37

painting plants (lower left)

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 36

step 37 of 37

highlight, shading, blending etc... between this and the final

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Step 37

Final result

Creation of The Draconian firestone Clock: Final Result

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avatar CorneliaMladenova

Great, detailed and above all very useful sbs!

(5 years and 3647 days ago)