make a new layer and paint the grass and the animals on the images, preferably a new layer for each, and change blend mode to overlay and reduce opacity.
step 3 of 10
place the horse, clone/erase the rider, and use dodge/burn tool to fix the body where the rider has been erase. add extra shadows.
using the liquefy tool. alter the man's face for him to look like a common human. use forward warp on the ear, nose and chine. then use brush on eyebrow and eyes to make them look longer too.
step 6 of 10
place the crown and adjust the curves/hue/saturation. make a new layer then copy the coat and scale them a little bigger, put a light plastic filter on the coat to make them look silky. make another new layer and color the coat with rainbow then change the blend to softlight and reduce opacity.