A Work in Progress: Fairy King

This guide was made for entry:
Fairy King
In Contest:
male fairies

step 1 of 10

load the tree as background and put a filter-render-light effect put a low light spotlight coming from the right.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 1
sources used for this step:

step 2 of 10

make a new layer and paint the grass and the animals on the images, preferably a new layer for each, and change blend mode to overlay and reduce opacity.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 2

step 3 of 10

place the horse, clone/erase the rider, and use dodge/burn tool to fix the body where the rider has been erase. add extra shadows.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 3
sources used for this step:

step 4 of 10

place the man and the dragonfly wings then reduce the opacity of the wings a little

Creation of Fairy King: Step 4
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step 5 of 10

using the liquefy tool. alter the man's face for him to look like a common human. use forward warp on the ear, nose and chine. then use brush on eyebrow and eyes to make them look longer too.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 5

step 6 of 10

place the crown and adjust the curves/hue/saturation. make a new layer then copy the coat and scale them a little bigger, put a light plastic filter on the coat to make them look silky. make another new layer and color the coat with rainbow then change the blend to softlight and reduce opacity.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 6
sources used for this step:

step 7 of 10

place the cork screw on the horse and change hue/saturation.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 7
sources used for this step:

step 8 of 10

using a blue forground / red background color, make a filter-clouds on a new layer

Creation of Fairy King: Step 8

step 9 of 10

set the clouds to overlay and reduce opacity. make a mask and using a 40% opacity eraser, erase the blue/red clouds on the horse and the man.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 9

step 10 of 10

make a cloud filter on the bottom of the image.
them make two layers of star w/ outer glow effect and make one of the layer blurry.

Creation of Fairy King: Step 10

Final result

Creation of Fairy King: Final Result

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