added the water image, cut out with the elliptical marquee tool the part i needed and then transformed it a bit and positioned inside the bowl. Then made a selection of the bowl and filled it with blue
step 3 of 8
cut the papaer boat from the source image and put it on water. modified the top of the water with liquify. and added part of the water image with blending mode set to color dodge
step 4 of 8
cut out the cat from its background and placed it in scene. then used the smdge tool to create its fur. duplicated the bowl and lowered the opacity. also used the eraser tool
step 5 of 8
well, the cat was kinda` looking in another place so i modified her eyes a bit. made a separate layer with them and used free transform, warp.
step 6 of 8
added the fish, blending mode set to pass through and used the burn tool to add light and shadow
step 7 of 8
added some more "water" around the fish using the dodge blend mode
step 8 of 8
added the paper from the source image, and its shadow on the bowl. made the boat`s reflection. Finally i played a alittle with contrast and levels.