Building photo is moved into wine bottle after scaling down. Edges will be burned to right and left to give it the contour of the bottle.
step 2 of 15
Numbers from keypad (1,8,5,3,) are moved from their source and chopped. These will be joined side by side to be a tag for the 'year' of the wine, then with smudge tool, it is attached to the neck of the bottle. A little burning of the tag gives it an older look.
step 3 of 15
Here the tag is finished and the name 'Old Homestead' is printed with the text tool on the bottle neck and also below the picture at the bottom of the bottle. The text is curved using the warp text tool in the upper tool bar.
step 4 of 15
The wine bottle source is duplicated and most of background removed. Final chopping will be done after background is moved in.
step 5 of 15
The brick area at left of meter scene is lassoed and moved into wine bottle work area, then bricks are duplicated twice so that they can cover the whole background. Where bricks don't match exactly, cloning tool works well to match them up.
step 6 of 15
Here the bricks have been cloned to match, then moved to back layer.
step 7 of 15
The brown section of the door in the meter source is cut out and moved to the work area now. It is rotated to fit across the bottom part of the scene to be the table cloth. Back edge of the table will be burned to give more depth to the table.
step 8 of 15
Table cloth has been moved to back layer and joined to the brick layer, then burned for shading. Wine glass is duplicated to scale down and move behind bread and bottle.
step 9 of 15
Half of toy boat is brought into scene to be made into a napkin..
step 10 of 15
Napkin has additional folds brushed into place. Burn and dodge tools will help to set up light source. This napkin will be duplicated with one being placed in one of the glasses and the other on the table.
step 11 of 15
Here the napkin has been placed in the glass, then front of glass is airbrushed back in and edge of glass replaced using small brush tips.
step 12 of 15
Shadow photo is moved in and scaled down to fit on the wall.
step 13 of 15
One rail of the guard rail is moved in and the # key is also brought in to be chopped.
step 14 of 15
Strip is duplicated 3 times, and strips are trimmed with eraser tool, then rotated into place. The # sign is chopped and duplicated then placed at each corner of the picture frame. I left the imperfections in the railing frame since it hangs on a rough brick wall.
step 15 of 15
Filters in reddish brown and dark blue are added at end and adjusted in opacity so that brick colors show through, but have a good glow to them. Any last minute changes in shadows should be done before adding these filters.