A Work in Progress: PC (personal crystal)

This guide was made for entry:
PC (personal crystal)
In Contest:

step 1 of 4

took a polygonal plane, with 50- 50 faces on uv and v axis,
assigned ndynamics - nmesh - create ncloth option and gave gravity contstraint... dropped a plane on grid with few basic obj's scatterred on the plane acting as a nmesh - create passive collider.. then animated to make the ncloth fall on the ground, stop animation... ndynamics - nsolver - initial state - set from current... then nmesh - remove ncloth and delete histroy...

Creation of PC (personal crystal): Step 1

step 2 of 4

go to rendering mode, texturing - 3d paint tool, assign/edit textures and paint the cloth....

Creation of PC (personal crystal): Step 2

step 3 of 4

used the default sphere with 6 *4 uv and duplicated many time to form a rough love shape...
used polygon - mesh - create polygon tool and drew a pentagon... extrude its edges number of times to get the shape of crystal wraping the hexagonal spheres...

Creation of PC (personal crystal): Step 3

step 4 of 4

used noise a bump map to the cloth, blin material for the crystal, holder and the pearl with lil tweaking in colour, reflectivity, spec values... used spoth light with emit photons (caustic)options for the crystal and a directional light with low intensity and raytrace shadow for the pearl and the grnd lighting.... maya - mental ray render...

Creation of PC (personal crystal): Step 4

Final result

Creation of PC (personal crystal): Final Result

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