used pen tool map out different part and fill, color dodge(add) reduce opacity to taste
step 2 of 4
used pentool cut of grill then fill with black, layer styles>inner glow>brown
pentool to create the base fill with white, made another layer, elliptical tool fill with red, guassian blur, layer styles>inner> bevel and emboss. anoda level, eliptical tool, fill black, layer styles>emboss, inner glow
step 3 of 4
use pentool made path, fill color, layer styles>emboss? inner shadow and drop shadow
step 4 of 4
elliptical tool, fill with color, inner stroke color,applied text.
use text, rasterize, outter stroke
rectangular marqee tool, fill color, place text, move text to da right, burn and dodge
Stroke on fender:
made path, filled with different color