With the pen tool I made a path, then right click and made it a selection. Then I copied the white part of the tennis ball using the pen tool as mentioned before. With the clone stamp tool I deleted the white things on the ball.
step 2 of 5
First with the pen tool I made the sticks and added blending options ( see the big circle) with the rectangle tool I made the web then pressed CTRL+E to put all the shapes on one layer and warped it.
step 3 of 5
Warped the white thing to make a ring the ring of the planet and added blending options to make it glow. Then I added blending options to the planet to make it glow too.
step 4 of 5
Copyed the whole planet except the web and then image/adjustments/hueand staruration to change the colour.
step 5 of 5
filter/add noise . (gausian and monochromatic, the color of the layer was black) then I added brightnes contrast and levels to make less starts
thanks for reading this good and I'm really sorry about my bad english...