Make new layer 4000*4500pix
And fill it with by the gradient tool with 2 colors
(070606 & ffffff)
step 2 of 12
Cut this part from the photo on the contest
To make the get and make the mood for the get
step 3 of 12
1/Cut this part from this photo
Black mountain in the Egypt desert
Try to not make any part from this photo under the gets
2/Duplicate the last layer you make it and make transform / flip horizontal
1/Cut the tree from this photo
Pruned tree
2/Add this photo
And make transform / warp
1/Make new layer and fill it with black
And make the mood (hard light)
2/Now you have to used the eraser tool to removed and color from the top of the girl and all the photos onside the gets
step 10 of 12
Now make new adjustment layer / photo filter
Color (ec8a00)
Density 40%
step 11 of 12
1/Make new layer and fill it with white and make the mood (soft light) and the opacity (50%)
2/Now you have to used the eraser tool to removed and color from the top of the girl and all the photos onside the gets
step 12 of 12
1/Make new layer and fill it with black and make the mood (color burn) and the opacity (50%)
And make filter / blur / Gaussian blur 3.1
2/Now you have to used the eraser tool to removed and color from the top of the girl and all the photos onside the gets