On a new layer, I added the background. Here you can see lens flare effect, but actually it was added after craft was done.
step 3 of 8
Using pen tool, and making the selection, I copied and pasted part of the kettle image; applied some warp to give more roundness on the top, and added lens flare effect.
step 4 of 8
From the washing machine image I copied and pasted 8 times the door glass, to make craft windows; the left and the right ones I distorted a little, respecting UFO curves. After that, I merged the layers and masked.
step 5 of 8
Copied, pasted and masked the stairs.
step 6 of 8
Added shadows.
step 7 of 8
I copied and pasted the man image; changed the hue and saturation into green. Using liquify and clone stamp tools, I modified his face, ears and head into an ET. I tried to put an indignant expression on his face. On new layers, I created the eyes (from washing machine too) and nose.
step 8 of 8
Copied, pasted and masked the hand image. Resized to get a bit long hand. Adjusted colors on the same process of the head. BTW, selecting only neck part and ctrl + T, I stretched it vertically to create a long neck.
Added shadow for hand.