load car front in white background then apply 'patchwork' filter. scale up then reduce opacity to 30%
step 2 of 7
get the car lights and use transform tool and liquefy to form petals
step 3 of 7
arrange the petals and change hue/saturation. use the car light again to create the stems and leaf under the rose. scale stem down to create torns. change color to green.
step 4 of 7
use the car 'grill' (or whatever its called haha) to make leaves using transform tools. change to green.
step 5 of 7
load the car hood texture and scale up. enter quick mask mode and draw, after drawing exit mode then press delete.
step 6 of 7
draw lines using brush and use the car lights again to make smaller flower then add outer glow.
step 7 of 7
use the car lights again to form a heart. select the 'grill' again w/ some feather then reduce opacity and place them all over.