This guide was made for entry: Tiara In Contest: car front
Original image
step 1 of 6
I filled a new layer with black. With pen tool, I selectioned the headlight, copied and pasted.
step 2 of 6
I did the same process several times, resizing the images until I got satisfied.
step 3 of 6
With polygon tool, I selected part of the headlight, copied and pasted.
step 4 of 6
After many copies and pastes process, taking care of the shape of a tiara, I merged the layers.
step 5 of 6
Using pen tool, I selectioned a metal part of the car front, copied and pasted. Duplicated the layer and flipped. That's the tiara's frame.
step 6 of 6
After merged all layers, I duplicated and flipped the copy vertically to make the reflection. If I let the reflection the way it was, it'd look wierd; so, I selected the extremities and flipped them vertically again. When I finished that, added a new layer and applied gradient black to transparent.