Using pen tool I drew a square; made an inverse selection and filled with dark green. With burn and smudge tools created the grass.
step 3 of 9
With elliptical marquee tool, selectioned a oval form, applied some feather effect and filled with orange. Applied burn tool to create a gradient.
step 4 of 9
On a new layer, using ellipse tool, I drew the base of the cat body; also drew the ears, and filled with bege.
step 5 of 9
New layer - I drew the tail, with pen tool; filled with the same color of the body.
step 6 of 9
Using liquify, smudge and burn tools, I made the nuance of the fur.
step 7 of 9
I duplicated both layers (body and tail), flipping and resizing a little small, to make the female cat. For more differences between male and female, using burn tool I darkened the big one.
step 8 of 9
Again I duplicated the layers of body and tail (both), merged, turned into black, applied gaussian blur, distorted and lowered the opacity, forming the shadow.
step 9 of 9
On a new layer, using pen tool, I created a shape of a bird. Loaded inverted selection, filled with black, applied gaussian blur. After some copy, paste and resize process, I merged the layers. On the top of all layers, I filled a new one with brown and lowered the opacity.