the first step is to remove the background from source image
step 2 of 10
make a new background layer and paint it black, and then move the daisy to the bottom left corner
step 3 of 10
duplicate the daisy and then use the free transform tool to decrease it, rotate it a bit and move the center of it somewhere in the bottom middle of the image
step 4 of 10
duplicate the transformed daisy and then apply transform again [cntrl+shift+T] as many times as wished
step 5 of 10
select each daisy layer and change its HLS values [ctrl+U]
step 6 of 10
merge the daisy layers [by selecting them all and then ctrl+E] and then duplicate the image, and by using the transform tool move the center to the center of the daisy and then rotate it a bit
step 7 of 10
duplicate the layer and apply the transform again tool. repeat as many times as required until the new daisy is shaped and then merge the layers
step 8 of 10
duplicate the new daisy and then using the free transform tool decrease it a bit and rotate it
step 9 of 10
change the HSL values of the current layer [i.e H:50, L:100]
step 10 of 10
duplicate the layer, then apply the transform again tool and change its HSL values. repeat as many times as wished and finally using a soft brush, set to a transparency level fill the background with a soft color